From Your Fingertips To Everywhere In The Kitchen

Cleaning your kitchen like a boss, requires a lot of elbow grease along with a healthy dose of planning. In fact, keeping this room clean is a job that needs to be accomplished every single day. It takes more than a simple swipe of a cleaning cloth to remove germs along with the dirt and grime that accumulate from food preparation. The truth is that germs travel from your fingertips to just about every spot in the kitchen.

Dishcloths, Sponges, and Scrubbing Pads

The items you use to wipe up spills or hand wash dishes are perhaps the most common places to find germs. While many people use dishcloths, sponges, and scrubbing pads, at least some of the time, each of these items provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. It isn’t enough to simply rinse these items to rid them of germs. You must do so for at least half a minute using exceptionally hot water, being careful not to scald your fingers.

Kitchen Sink and Faucets

Just because you use your sink to rinse plates or wash cooking utensils doesn’t mean that it is germ free. Every crack in this area could be harboring bacteria. Just take a look at the drain, and you’ll instantly see places where germs could be hiding.

The Refrigerator

Did you know that unwashed fruits and vegetables often have bacteria on them? While you can wash them before you place them in your refrigerator, doing so might not remove all of the germs. Likewise, packages of raw meat and fish often have bacteria breeding inside and outside of them. Not only do these germs get onto the shelves, but they find their way onto the inner sides of the fridge, in the cracks where the shelves meet the walls, and on the handles of this appliance.

Control Panels, Handles, Switches, Walls & Baseboards

From light switches to cabinet handles, to control panels on the stove, microwave, and dishwasher, and even walls and baseboards, your kitchen is filled with often forgotten spots when it comes to cleaning. It’s important to sanitize every handle, button, or switch in the kitchen at least weekly, if not daily. After all, unless you wash your hands each time you handle food, you are transferring germs from your fingertips to various places throughout the kitchen.

Small Appliances

Unless appliances are allowed to dry thoroughly before you pack them up, bacteria is likely to breed inside of them. To avoid this from happening, wait until the appliance is completely dry before you close it up. This tip should be applied to dishes, mugs, and silverware as well.

Shopping Bags

Whether you use paper, plastic, or reusable bags, the likelihood of bacteria breeding inside of them is huge. What happens if you decide to use one of these bags to transport other items from your home to work or school? Why, you bring the bacteria along with you. Dispose of paper and plastic bags properly and be sure to wash reusable bags in hot water after each use.


Below we found an interesting infographic about clutter and how it ruins your day.


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Keeping your kitchen clean and clutter free is an important task, particularly because you are safeguarding your family’s health. To complete a thorough job of it, make sure that you clean every nook and cranny where germs and bacteria might be hiding.

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